Я единственный нормальный человек на этой планете. А еще я пытался себя убить!©DJN
interesting but i feel like writing today. may be because i'm still in the mood after that Cloud Nine paper I wrote. really good production actually. big time sexual and especially homosexual. honestly cannot imagine seeing something like this in Russia in the free access. guys on the stage where actually kissing and pretending to have sex. couple Arab dudes who where sitting in front of me were seriously shocked: seems like they had zero idea about the play before they saw it. hope i gonna get a decent grade for the paper at least
so today i dreamed about Borya. the thing's even more incredible cuz I rare have dreams and especially dreams about the real people. what happened is we were somewhere on the south, deserty place, with some folks who supposed to be my friends but didn't seem like that at all. it was a lot of drinking, a lot of sun, sand and sea, and I was disgust and happy at the same time. and then at some point Borya says "well we cannot hock up right now. you had to be my girlfriend before when I was hitting on you but now it is too late". and I am standing there trying to explain him that i didn't want to: neither before nor now but he's not listening to me. finally i feel stupid when all the guys get to know that i am into Borya when i am not. this is like the most clear dream i had in a while, like a year or so. definitely should mean something.really hope not gonna dream about Andy
what else, what else... it is incredible how sober i am in the moment.. didn't have a drink in 2 month and the last one i had was a beer. heard from mom that alcohol is killing neuronsthis woman is full of weird facts from the unapproved souses and that smart people are not drinking at all. well soon i'll turn up to be a real genius
so today i dreamed about Borya. the thing's even more incredible cuz I rare have dreams and especially dreams about the real people. what happened is we were somewhere on the south, deserty place, with some folks who supposed to be my friends but didn't seem like that at all. it was a lot of drinking, a lot of sun, sand and sea, and I was disgust and happy at the same time. and then at some point Borya says "well we cannot hock up right now. you had to be my girlfriend before when I was hitting on you but now it is too late". and I am standing there trying to explain him that i didn't want to: neither before nor now but he's not listening to me. finally i feel stupid when all the guys get to know that i am into Borya when i am not. this is like the most clear dream i had in a while, like a year or so. definitely should mean something.
what else, what else... it is incredible how sober i am in the moment.. didn't have a drink in 2 month and the last one i had was a beer. heard from mom that alcohol is killing neurons

dude I need to talk to you.
ладно, я перестану позорится своим английским
может на выходных созвонимся?
i da konechno davaj pogovorim. kak na schet voskresen'ya utra ili vechera? naznachaj vremya
утро у меня - это сколько у тебя?
by the way мне нравится твой дизайн и вот эта последняя аватарка:3
may be we can talk after Wednesday (i have exams before it). just text me whenever is comfortable for you. miss you so much my gloomy friend!
p.s. your english is completely normal (sometimes i think even more than mine) and i'm looking forward to talk to you in english when i'll be back
Friday evening maybe? I badly know english grammar and I totally cannot make sentences that's why I have language barrier. But okay, I'll try to talk to you in english (I'm not sure that I wrote it correctly)
I see quatation. это глюк дайри, у меня такое постоянно)
oh and now everything looks fine! at least something works in this world