Я единственный нормальный человек на этой планете. А еще я пытался себя убить!©DJN
well, as long as my love life does not exist I am compensating. mostly with watching movies. sometimes shows but movies are preferable. So today instead of doing the assignment for psychology (which i finally forgot to submit so now i'm fucked) I was watching: Cotton Club, Irreversible, Twilight Break Down.

Cotton Club: kind of watched more like a part of Jazz History class assignment and cuz it was the first movie I watched in english. In the second grade my english teacher gave my VHS with this movie, i don't even know why: I couldn't understand a word from it. What I think now? Nothing special. Richard Geer is incredibly annoying, dances and performances could be better, plot is boring and predictable. Summary: waste of time.

Irreversible: french DRAMA from 2002. Decided to watch it because before some time ago I saw a rape scene from this movie and it was horrible cruel. However the whole movie is even worse. It has almost all type of violence including gay and bdsm sex. Bonners are just everywhere! Wonder if they showed it in theaters at all. But, not gonna lie, I liked it a lot. Kassel and Beluchi naked in bed look just astonishing (would give the movie high ranking only because this hot-hot-hot couple) atmosphere of crime-gay-party Paris is disgusting and attractive at the same time. Although still don't understand how could they film something like this with such a famous and expensive actors. Highly recommend.

Twilight Break Down: shame on me of course. Not gonna have a discussion here about the ugliness of Bella, advantage of the book or girls oriented plot. Everybody knows that. Just want to point out that forth movie is actually looks better than the first one (see the same pattern as with Harry Potter). An dyes I am watching it because my love life sucks which bring us to the begging of this post. May be instead of having sex I can become a movie critic and discuss people having sex on the screen. Fun perspective.

@музыка: Going to Chicago Blues

@темы: "Tash is such a whimpering kid", crawling through time, I wrote it instead of going to the gym, playing smart